Have you ever observed the butterfly-shaped gland located in your neck? This gland is known as the thyroid gland, responsible for producing thyroid hormones. These hormones circulate throughout the body via the bloodstream, regulating various bodily functions. Thyroid hormones play a crucial role in controlling metabolism, affecting muscles, brain function, liver activity, heart rate, and other bodily processes. Thyroid disorders can range from harmless conditions like goiter, which may not necessitate treatment, to severe conditions such as life-threatening cancer.
Proper diagnosis is essential for effective homeopathic treatment of thyroid issues.
The irregular production of thyroid hormones is the main cause of thyroid issues. Hyperthyroidism occurs when there is an overproduction of hormones, whereas hypothyroidism is the result of underproduction.
Hyperthyroidism may arise due to various factors:
Graves’ disease: The outcome of this is an overproduction of thyroid hormones.
Toxic Adenomas: The reason for this is the formation of nodules in the thyroid gland that produce an excessive amount of hormones, leading to an imbalance in the body's chemical levels.
Sub-acute Thyroiditis: It is caused because of inflammation in thyroid, thus leaking additional hormones. This results in temporary hyperthyroidism.
Hashimoto's thyroiditis: The condition involves the body attacking thyroid tissue, leading to the impairment of its ability to produce hormones.
Removal of thyroid gland: If your thyroid gland is surgically removed or chemically destroyed, it can also lead to the development of hypothyroidism.
Intake of extreme amount of iodine: Medications prescribed for heart, sinus, or other medical conditions can potentially introduce an excessive amount of iodine into your body, thereby disrupting the balance of hormones.
If you have previously experienced a thyroid problem, your body will be highly susceptible to developing hypothyroidism.